Fashion Industry Speaker

Patrycja Franczak is a connoisseur of ambitious fashion projects, she’s also business strategist, board advisor and unconventional speaker. Meeting with her is the answer to every participant’s question. There is no presentation, no definitions, but you must know that it is … awkward. Patrycja Franczak believes that people come to meet her for a reason. So she does everything to bring out what the participants have in their mind and often don’t want to share it. Sometimes she’s mean, but only so that everyone can make the most of the time they spent on the event.

How is Patrycja Franczak different from other speakers?

First of all, she is an interactive speaker.

Many speeches, although it concerns leadership/entrepreneurship/business, are based on stories and examples from the so-called hat.

Patrycja Franczak during her speeches if she recalls a story – later she analyzes it – examines the message and draws conclusions from a business perspective.

But it is not everything…

Patrycja Franczak thinks people come to meet her for a reason. That is why she often bases her speeches on what the audience says. Event participants often share their problems and also argue in some way or another about various topics. In this way, participants exchange experiences and ideas – it’s unusual for events of this type, right? Patrycja Franczak is an experienced manager, that’s why interaction with the audience and active exchange of opinions is not a problem.

Patrycja Franczak’s speeches are not a monologue, but a dialogue with the audience, joint voting on theses, original riddles. In addition, the speeches are supported by a natural sense of humour, sometimes sarcasm and controversy of the speaker.

Why choose Patrycja Franczak as a fashion industry speaker?

– She is an experienced manager and entrepreneur, among others a Founder of the creative office

– For many years, she has been consulting for fashion companies from all around the world.

– Her lectures are dynamic and interactive. They are based on real case studies, simulations and current business and life challenges of the people in the room.

– By referring not only to managerial experience but also travels, Patrycja Franczak inspires participants of the event with inspiring and unusual stories about for example the impact of cultural differences on running a business or creating business innovations around the world.

– Simulations designed by Patrycja Franczak are adapted to the specifics of the event and the energy of the audience. They are not bought or prepared previously, over and over again presented without any emotions. In fact, she rarely uses multimedia presentations.

– Patrycja Franczak has a non-nonsense approach in everything she does. Polemics with the audience are a real treat for her. As she claims, it additionally stimulates the audience and builds her authority. There are no uncomfortable or taboo subjects for her, and she is often accompanied by sarcasm and controversy.

– Patrycja Franczak is the author of a book about relations with money and their role in business. Each participant of her speech can receive, instead of standard materials – like a notebook with a logo and a pen, an elegantly published book related to the subject of the speech – with a personal dedication from her.

Are you looking for a professional speaker in the fashion industry?

There are three topics I can speak about:

  • fashion business ( strategy, marketing, branding, solving business problems),
  • trends in action (industry, market, business and consumer trends, business innovation),
  • uncensored leadership (motivation, entrepreneurship, unpopular opinions).

Imagine how Patrycja Franczak can help make your event a sensation!

For information and booking, contact: