International Trips

In order to use my travel experience and foreign contacts, in cooperation with partners, I conduct inspirational and development expeditions for employees and managers of fashion companies.

Each trip is prepared individually – depending on the development needs of the group. We individually select both the place, style and level of physical and mental effort, as well as specific tasks carried out during the trip. The goal of each trip is not only integration and inspiration, but above all to develop solutions for the client’s business.

We check each place personally. Where did the idea come from?

I travel around the world myself. It helps me support fashion brands, create new projects, get inspired. Industry professionals who take part in my events or use other services are not only amazed by all the trends/signals from the global markets that I present to them, but are also delighted that they are the first to benefit from what others will discover when it’s too late or they can’t do it at all. As one of the few experts of trends, I help the best fashion professionals understand and profit from industry, technology and consumer trends, which are often the result of my travels.

Travelling allows me to:

  • discover unusual new trends in the fashion industry and more – thanks to which I later teach my clients how to use them.
  • use the power of trends to attract more loyal customers for myself and others,
  • see the amazing future of technological trends, which are often just around the corner.
  • be inspired by trend-based innovations that take place outside the fashion industry, but which will help to innovate in fashion businesses.

Would you like to experience that?

I help fashion entrepreneurs profit from trends through public appearances (keynote presentations, panel discussions, closed B2B lectures), workshops, consultations and more. But I think that nothing gives more power to work than feeling it all on own skin – during the trip.

For such trips I invite future-oriented fashion companies.

Why? Everything changes faster than ever. But most companies can’t adapt to these changes. When you work with me, you are one of the first to use what others may discover when it is too late or not at all. As one of the few experts in trends, I help professionals, companies/brands discover, understand – and profit – from trends that motivate customers to buy products, services and experiences. I help develop attractive products/services/offerings based on trends that make my clients more relevant, innovative and profitable.

What makes me different? Many people value me for acting without nonsense, interactive and proactive approach in everything I do, as well as a strong global experience. I help fashion entrepreneurs look outside the industry to find out what is happening in it. And I’m showing you how to use global trends to create innovations that will help drive your fashion brand forward.

How it’s working? When you decide to go on a development trip, my team and I will spend hours customizing the service to your needs. This includes the latest research and information from around the world to make collaboration as valuable as possible to you and your business.

Remember, these are development trips that you will not find in any travel agency. You’ll visit places that often are not in guidebooks. You will get the knowledge that you will not find anywhere else.

Ready to talk? Do you have questions about travel or any doubts? You have an idea for a trip, maybe even a group of people (employees?), but you don’t know how to organize such a trip, be sure to contact me directly via e-mail

Need an idea?

Berlin – Futurium

Switzerland- Art Basel

Tel Aviv- Innovation Festival

Sounds good?