Patrycja Franczak

I see what many don’t. The gaps, blind spots, white spaces and trends. Those things just ‘right under your nose’ and those ‘never thought about it’ true game-changers. I see – the perspectives, stories, angles and opportunities. numerous ways in and out. The tiny tweaks that make the whole difference. I help good people become great. I support in becoming more tough-minded and capable of achieving ‘impossible’ faster and more effectively. I help to stay on top of the game and be exactly where you want to be. I’m giving the opportunity to understand who they are and show them a new perspective on business and market. I lead powerful conversations to show people what they cannot see. I always say what no one would dare to tell them. I’m bold and I own my opinions. I know that my work etiquette is not comfortable. But is life comfortable at all?

Why YOU should believe me?

The thing is that you don’t have to believe me. You don’t have to trust me, or even like me. Although, I believe that every business needs support, so let me ask you:

Do you wanna help your brand?

If no, tell me.

Seriously tell me! If you are satisfied, tell me I’m done. I don’t need anymore. I’m all good. I’m fine with just breaking-even point. I’m fine with letting my employees down. I’m fine with not having any stable results. I’m good at living from one month to another. I don’t want to secure my future. I don’t want to run my life on my terms. Just tell me… Actually, tell yourself that you are fine with all of that and don’t waste another second for reading. Go back to what you do best.

Think twice because…

I’m not a typical expert. I’m offering my point of view, experience and knowledge. I have huge expertise in the fashion industry. I’m a very direct, sometimes provocative person. With me, there’s nothing about being polite or fitting in any norms. If I play, I play to win. I don’t speak the truth. I speak my truth. I don’t hold myself back. I follow my vision and I want others to follow theirs. Life is too short for a miserable existence. We can’t be afraid to live, right?

I want to spend my time with people who wanna be the champions, ok? If you wanna succeed you gonna pay the price. If you want to fail you will pay the price too. This is what I learned over the years. It’s not taking any more effort to succeed as it takes to fail. Failing is painful. Getting up is freaking work. But you know what? Everything is work! Breathing is work and poop is work too. So you have to be ready to pay that price.

I want to look back and be proud of what I did and who I become. I want to inspire and help other people to create and follow their visions, build the businesses of the future, be a part of history. I believe that we all can get what we want from life and business without selling our soul. I want to look back and be proud of what we did together. I want your employees to be satisfied and proud of who they work for. I want you to have super results instead of the breaking even point. I want you to have a smart infrastructure to work in an injection of new, creative ideas daily.

Can you imagine how the world would be and feel like? You can have it all! But you need a radical change in your thinking. My powerful service, encouragement and support will help. We will redefine the success of your brand, create a practical plan to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Bring your biggest desires and all ‘impossible’ goals. Or your biggest fears and bullshit excuses. And we’ll handle them. We’ll transform them into extraordinary outcomes. We will work on your vision, plans, troubles. We will make decisions, see different perspectives and we will make bold choices.

Remember, I support fashion brands that have great vision and feel that there’s more for them to be, give and create. I work with brands that have a burning desire to turn their creative ideas into reality. I work with teams that are high achievers. They want to leave the average behind them. I work with people who treat their brand seriously. They know that applying themselves to discover, invent, create, and/or solve something that will make a difference in the world is the legacy they want to create. They want to create the future.

I work with people who are passionate. They devote themselves to the things that matter to them. I work with people who take risks, get uncomfortable because they understand that this is the way to get what they want. They have stories of brilliant successes and spectacular failures. They know that fear is a good sign and that a deep desire is just next to it. I work with people who take action like it’s second nature. They are hungry of success and tired of playing small. They want to live fully without any limits. I work with extraordinary people who inspire me.

I bring enormous value to my clients and I charge accordingly. I don’t discuss my fees or negotiate the rules of cooperation. It all starts with my provocative program. 1:1 Cooperation is possible only for highly motivated people who have already had some success in business and are familiar with my programs. When we decide to work together 1:1, I will give you a 12 month, pretty expensive, non-refundable contract. You take it or leave it. No begging included.

It’s the best option and the only option for 1:1. One reasonable price point means my full effort, amazing results for you and equal chances for all of my clients. But remember, it will cost you more than money. You must be ready to invest your energy, your time and your commitment to creating something so powerful in your business that it will have a lasting impact. Please, don’t impulse buy me. Make up your own mind and come back when you are ready.

Do you wanna work with me?

No? That’s ok – if you wanna lose a life, do not try, don’t change anything, die forgotten. Otherwise, know this: I filter people/brands which work with me because I believe that limitation brings value. I’m very clear on who I work with and what I require from my clients. I want to support fashion brands that are hungry for success. I will not serve you, only because you asked. I will agree only if you are the right fit for me. So, do you need me? No, if you want the results you currently have. But if you want to accelerate your business, you need support. Remember, I don’t work with those who:

  • Only “kinda, sorta, maybe” want to change,
  • Are afraid to make mistakes and fail,
  • Complain and blame others,
  • Aren’t ready to work harder than me at their life,
  • Aren’t ready to invest their time, effort and money.

Ok… It is unlikely you have found your way here and you reading my whole page by accident, so I wonder who you are and what question you have in mind, what change you might want to make? I support fashion brands on a journey to extraordinary outcomes, so let’s start with a simple question, what will make our work together extraordinary for you?

    * When answering this question please note that this is a significant 6-figure investment for the 12-month cooperation. If that is not where you're currently at or determined to leap to, please message me about options for how I can support you outside of my private 1:1 work. By sending a message you agree to receive correspondence from Patrycja Franczak. Read more about how I use your info in Terms & Conditions.