Copywriting goes wrong

Copywriting becomes cool skill to have. But althouh so many people talks about it – it’s still a problematic thing to do correctly.

Many times copywriting is underestimated. In Poland for example, copywriting is seen as a cheap freelancing task, something you can do to make extra money if you are a student. Nothing really valuable, low paid granted.

“Copywriter” covers a multitude of different roles, from professionals who manage company social media to classic ad agency types who sit with managers and come up with campaigns.

This is what I lerned about copywriting:

  1. Copywriting is not only about words.

Words are only half of what a copywriter does. Copywriter needs to consider how their work will play with visual communication.

It’s also not about the number of words, keywords included or SEO friendly title.

  1. Good copywriting is not about good grammar.

Copywriting isn’t about following the rules of grammar. I often write and if it sounds like someone talking, then it works. If I start the sentence with the wrong word or make a misspell. Well, point it out if this will make you feel good. For me, it doesn’t make a big difference. And some good marketing campaigns (even Apple’s) was started with some incorrections.

  1. You don’t need a training/degree to be a good copywriter

Anyone can declare that they’re a copywriter. So many people try to distinguish themselves by finishing courses, getting a degree. Many agencies require formal education from prospective copywriters – it’s useless. I know many copywriters with a great education and horrible results. Reading their text is so painful that you don’t even know how to prepare for that. But hey – they have a degree!

  1. Defining a distinctive tone is a key

Every brand should find a technique no one has seen before (visual, verbal, structural approach). Using words in a completely new way. Some ideas, very simple in their core, get people to read to the end.

TIP: Create an original tone of voice. play with: tone, vocabulary, context and subject matter. Keep it fresh and interesting. Funny, intriguing – make it work in your favour.

The aim is to make brands distinctive. Ideally, every brand I work on will have its own vocabulary, way of thinking and way of talking.

  1. Don’t fear the blank page.

The blank page is the wonderful, glorious, exciting bit at the beginning when anything is possible. This is what I truly love.

I like to work with the blank page just before a briefing with the Client because at that moment the blank page is a boundless playground I play in with no Client, brand guidelines or any budget restrictions.

If you need a copywriting advice, call me. It’s up to you 😉

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