Let’s Grow Some Balls Fashion Leaders

I’m here to admit that I was quiet and nice my whole life. I was hiding, pretending, playing small. Enough is enough! Things have changed. I make a decision to be bold and enthusiastic but not only in written words but also the spoken ones. I’ve been hiding my face, afraid to look into someone’s eyes, or even imagine that on the other side of the screen someone is watching me, judging me…

It’s time to make a rapid change. There will be much more videos and strong spoken words on live streams. You don’t have to like me, agree with my opinions, follow my lead. Always do whatever is the best for you.

I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. I don’t have all the answers in the world. My mission scare shit out of me. I don’t have it all figured out.. but I will do my best. I’m a leader!

Is fashion leadership dead? What happened to this generation of fashion leaders?

I have been thinking about it for a while. It looks like there’s a big gap in fashion leadership (and leadership in general). If someone will ask you who’s your authority? What would you say?

People see influencers and celebrities as a role models. What about intellectual leaderschip? Morals? Many of today’s leaders aren’t worthy of the word! It’s so sad to see young people follow the wrong lead.

I remember my school times… I had an exam as a 12 years old kid. The last question of the exam was “who’s yours role model, explain why”. Everyone in my class was describing their parents, politicians, historical figures… Today’s 12 years old probably would choose a celebrity. We have so many powerful fashion leaders why we don’t hear about them more often? Isn’t it sad to watch how vanish the role models are?

True leaders lead people to an impossible destination. It does not exist as a some place in the world is a way of being. They showing us bigger purpose and meaning.

I know that powerful leaders exist. We just need to make our voice heard and show up as a true leaders. All the excuses and bullshit aside. Fashion leadership is so underrated! Let’s change that, together!


P.S. Not all fashion entrepreneurs are created equal. When you are ready to become a future-proofed fashion brand here is how you can get help:

1. Order Strategic Session with Your Team – 2 days (It involves gathering representatives of selected company departments in one place, over one goal/topic. The goal of their creative work is to generate various business concepts/ideas/options, analyze them and propose actions)

10.000 PLN net (2 183,80 euro) + travel expenses and accommodation costs (Bydgoszcz, Poland – your location)

2. Hire infuture.fashion Department – 12 months of virtual cooperation (informed opinions, global perspective, forward thinking, a true partnership, winning approach 100%).

To be discussed after the strategic session with your team.

3. Have 45 min Consultation – phone or online session with one-month email support (pick my brain, ask me all your questions, learn steps, walk away with tools)

790 PLN net (173 euro)

4. Attend Fashion Business Expo in Dubai – 5 days, Autumn 2020, up to 12 spaces

(Main attraction Dubai Expo 2020; Airfare, accommodation, and meals are NOT included, must have at least communicative level of English)

10 000 PLN net (2 183,80 euro)

Write to me contact@infuture.fashion

We all have 24 hours in a day. Think about it. Contact me. Talk to me. Get results. Fast.

WARNING: I never negotiate rates, I don’t break down payments into instalments. You either want it or you don’t (begging and convincing not included).

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