Social media success

I’m asked quite often how to get more likes, followers, comments? By my definition, social media success is not when you hit 1 million followers, is when you help even one person, monetize your content, build relationships. Look at my accounts. All are… below average if you consider a number of followers/subscribers/likes but… I’m still selling. I told myself that I don’t need cheerleaders. I want to achieve my goals. I won’t advise you on how to get more likes, followers, comments… I’m sorry but it’s not my expertise. Instead, I will give you my tips on how to make business done when you don’t have a big following.

Publish what you want, as you always wanted, it doesn’t have to be perfect, you don’t need to put hashtags, don’t think about SEO – just publish.

Make a video – share your opinions on video, people may copy your text, use the same hashtags, make similar graphic but they will never be you – they don’t have your passion, determination, energy, voice or face! Plus, make each new video better than the previous one.

You get as much interaction as you interact with others. So spend some time liking others content, commenting and building relationships on the platform.

DM people. Leave them voice message or video. Share your thoughts and takeaways from their content. Start partnerships, co-create with others.

Watch what competition is NOT doing – it’s not about analysing what your competitors are doing, how they write, what photos they use… it’s about searching what’s missing. Go through the comments on their post – see what people want, see what they value. Big accounts don’t have time to engage in the comments, so there’s plenty of space for you. Analyze what your competitors are not talking about, what they are afraid to share, what’s missing on their profiles. And fill up the missing points by creating your content.

I know. My tips are not some kind of breakthrough. It’s not complicated. But it is effective.

Would you add something? What’s works best for your social media success?


P.S. Not all fashion entrepreneurs are created equal. When you are ready to become a future-proofed fashion brand here is how you can get help:

1. Order Team Strategic Session – 2 days (It involves gathering representatives of selected company departments in one place, over one goal/topic. The goal of their creative work is to generate various business concepts/ideas/options, analyze them and propose actions)

10.000 PLN net (≈ 2 185 EUR) + travel expenses and accommodation costs (Bydgoszcz, Poland – your location)

2. Hire Department – 12 months of virtual cooperation across strategy, marketing, sales and product development innovation (informed opinions, a global perspective, forward thinking, true partnership, winning approach – 100%).

To be discussed after the strategic session with your team.

3. Have 45 min* Consultation – phone or online session that takes from 45 to 90 minutes (as long as it’s needed to make job done/ get results you want). You also get one-month access to me 24/7 through email (pick my brain, ask me all your questions, learn steps, walk away with tools)

790 PLN net (≈ 175 EUR)

4. Attend Fashion Business Expo in Dubai – 5 days, Autumn 2020, up to 12 spaces

(Main attraction Dubai Expo 2020; Airfare, accommodation, and meals are NOT included, must have at least communicative level of English)

10 000 PLN net (≈ 2 185 EUR)

Write to me

We all have 24 hours in a day. Think about it. Contact me. Talk to me. Get results. Fast.

WARNING: I never negotiate rates, I don’t break down payments into instalments. No refunds. You either want it or you don’t (begging and convincing not included).

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