Trump: what lessons does he have for you

Donald Trump is running for re-election. But even if he doesn’t get elected, the fact remains: Trump has been shaking reality for over 40 years. You like him, dislike him, agree with him or not, but the truth is, there is a method in what he does, and this definetly works.

In this post, I’ll analyze it a little bit.

Ammann (Trump father), a guy who has dedicated his whole life to building bridges mainly for New York, was neither honored nor mentioned by the notables. It is omitted. Donald recalls this:

“If you let people treat you how they want, you will be made a fool.”


“I don’t want to be made anybody’s sucker.”

( read the book: The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning for more)

Donald Trump is one of the greatest teachers of the 20th and 21st centuries! On a par with Gandhi, Churchill and Mother Teresa. And what does he teach us? He teaches us how the REAL world works and what this real world rewards. I repeat – the REAL world, not the wishful one! And it will undoubtedly NOT be a story of modesty, sensitivity and love for your neighbor.

Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loserhaving a healthy ego, or high opinion of yourself, is a real positive in life!”

I would say that Trump contains 3 things:

  • shameless megalomania (strong positive self-image)
  • joyful sadism (picture of the world where the world is only black and white, you are a winner or a loser, you must crush the competition)
  • and audacious nonchalance (being your own category, relying on your name, being only yourself, without limitations, which makes you get away with no damage because that’s how you are; excesses and controversy serve this branding, people are NOT logical rational beings. We’re emotional and we have a dark side – and you have to relate in your brand to that. Staying cool at all times and strategic behaviour – looks naturally but it still well thought)

BUT… Trump is not narcissistic!

Although many like to think so. I wouldn’t say he is narcissistic. He is just his own strong brand. He’s conscious, aware.

You can learn from him that you should stop avoiding conflicts. Open up to them. Because they’ll fucking get you anyway. But it’s under your control how you greet them. If you master what people fear most – the fear of conflict – you’ll be light years ahead of your competition. The appearance of enemies means you’re on the right track. Enemies make you better. They give you purpose and direction. You don’t need friends to be successful. To be successful you must have enemies.

You must know that people have no problem getting involved in light, easy and fun things. If you enjoy winning, and if you see yourself as a winner always and easily – if you believe in yourself more than you believe in your enemy – then there is no fear of conflict.


Trump threw himself into a frame titled Trump (can you make YOURSELF better branding than being yourself capable of virtually anything?) Where there are virtually no limits.

Trump also understands that selling is exaggerating. “People want to believe that something is the greatest, the most powerful, and the most wonderful.”

Do you agree?

“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big”

“In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.”

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