5 times higher profits? How consulting generates money

Consulting has helped many companies grow above the level they are currently at. This is a great way to start expanding your business and finally remove the problems that are bothering you. Below I will explain how consulting can help you too.

Consultant – definition

A consultant is a professional who provides expert advice in a specific field, such as management, accounting, law, human resources, marketing, finance or any of many other specialized fields.

Consulting is becoming an ever-expanding branch of business, including roles such as management consultants, recruitment advisors and business advisors, to name a few.

Regardless of how you look at it, consulting is a varied profession, and projects and clients are constantly changing. This can be the beauty of this field, but also a challenge for many consultants.


Strategic Consulting is the creation and implementation of strategies, company restructuring, risk management and internal audit. It is also characterized by knowledge of the company’s strategy.

Operational Consulting is about improving the company’s operations in order to grow as soon as possible and improve results. It consists of improving and implementing new solutions in areas agreed with the client.

Who needs it?

Consulting is most often used when a company needs an external, expert opinion on a business decision. For example, a company that wants to sell its products abroad may be looking for a consultant who knows business practices in the destination country. The consultant will tell the company what practices should be followed, what to expect from clients and how to deal with regulations.

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