Being Instagram famous – new insights

The bad news always comes first. You will never have millions of followers on Instagram.⁣⁣ I know it breaks your heart but this is the truth.
Ever since Facebook took over Instagram, the new algorithm cames alive. Since then it’s almost impossible to get significant traction and get massive growth. The golden days of going viral on Instagram are over (try TikTok).
Now here’s the GOOD NEWS.⁣
Tomorrow’s winners on social networks like Instagram, Linkedin, and Facebook are people like you. Truth is, you don’t need millions of followers. I believe you just need a few to make money from it.

Let me explain.⁣⁣

The rat race of keeping up with the algorithm is really causing influencers to live in a constant state of needing to create content. It’s not healthy⁣⁣, right?
The goal is to NOT become an influencer chasing the algorithm but by becoming the leading authority for a niche audience and building a highly profitable business around your brand.⁣

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