Employee management: too kind, too tough

Every fucking day there is some boss yelling at their staff.
And although no one raised hand asked if that drives any good result – it still happens.
I trained all kinds of teams and spoke to many managers
and what amazed me:
many people think that fear will motivate people
but why do we think that fear is a better motivator than love (kindness)?

You don’t need to compromise your values to be successful.

Being tough to your people become a cool thing to do.
Mainly because of all the old-school management books.
There’s so much to handle as an operator in the business
(firing people, telling them their work isn’t what we expected, saying that their idea is bad…)

There’s a huge need for balance.

You can’t be too kind, and too friendly.
Agreeing with people making average,
keeping toxic people around.
But you can’t go to other extremes either.
You can not deliver your points as an arse,
you must respect others,
making people feel bad is a losing formula!

Being though is a short term behaviour.
Thoughtfully think long term.
I know.
It’s easy to be nice to people who are nice to you
but the world doesn’t work that way.
Sometimes you must face different opinions, frustration, the anger of other people.
Seems to be hard already?
Let’s have coffee, hope things turn out well and problems solve themselves? Looks easier but this won’t work either!

What do you think?

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