Employees stab you in the back?
YOU are responsible for your employees stabing you in the back.
Read it again – slowly.
Yep. You get it right.
Often when we hire people we feel something. It’s hard to say what is it but it is real. It is an instinct. If you feel it – listen and follow it. I made a mistake too many times of getting onboard people that I felt weren’t right. With no reason, I wanted this so badly that I decided not to follow my gut and hire them. I didn’t wait long for this to collapse.
No one is perfect. People can learn things, improve. But there are certain things my prospective employees must have.
It is…
ENERGY- no energy means they will walk like ghosts and no pick up the ringing phone
ENTHUSIASM – they were at a concert or at an awesome concert? I don’t work with dead people.
EMPATHY- I’m asking about the worst time in their life. If they walk me through the story that’s good – if they focus on the end of the story – I drop out.
This is how I hire.
What are you looking for in people?