Future-proof your fashion business in 2021 and beyond

Today I’m excited to share with you some insights about trends for 2021.

As you go through the article, remember to ask yourself:
what could this insight mean for my brand?
How it influences my consumers’ behaviour?

For more info on how infuture.fashion can help you translate trends into profitable business concepts, contact our office.

Appointment Retail

Safe in-person shopping experience? Done.
The pandemic has changed the way we shop. The safety of shopping become not only a trend but the requirement of many governments around the world. Maintaining a distance, managing employee and customer health becomes a top priority and forced many business owners to innovate across the ways they serve the customers. This trend not only addresses consumer anxiety and safety precautions but also creates the personalised customer experience. Many companies took this trend even one step further and offer touchless customer experience through virtual tours, video chats and chat commerce.


People started to turn to platforms, services and spaces that expand their worldviews and skills but with no influence of traditional learning. Gen Z especially is aware of political and social issues that make them more critical to everything they see and experience. They look for options that don’t box them in and include some creativity and/or entertainment. Self-expression is also very important to them. Look for the number of educative content on social media. A few minutes on Tik Tok can really show you the size of this trend.

How can you brand appeal to need for new learning and creativity?

Virtual Marketplace

E-commerce is booming! And more market categories took on this opportunity ex. Christmas markets, food festivals, farmers, florists. Many people forced by COVID-19 did their first online purchase. That means that society will become less afraid of online shopping and there is a lot of space to innovate across the virtual customer experience.

Shopping Locker

contactless lockers enhance the safety of shopping. Everything from food, books, through electronics, cosmetics and fast food. Returns are also possible through this solution. This trend shows how brands value customer’s safety and it’s also a new form of promotion.

Premium Loungewear

We don’t know how long the pandemic will last and what will happen when it ends. Will the trend develop or will disappear with the virus? We can’t be sure but there is still an opportunity to take on. Comfort clothing has become a must in 2020. If you add the style and good quality to this – you can’t lose.


I was thinking for a while if I should talk about this trend. Many can not see the connection with fashion business but let me show you my perspective. If home gym systems and coaching could take on this opportunity. The same can go with styling, healthy lifestyle and overall fashion brand communication. It’s clear that people are concerned about psychical and physical health. Can your brand deliver more homie versions of its products/services or at least show some support through communicates? I bet you can.

Runway 2.0

Pandemic has made fashion brands more creative in how they presenting new collections. Virtual characters, Puppet Show – there are many intakes on how to stay creative in virtual runways.

Seamless Mask

A mask integrated into clothing, a scarf, blouse or hoodie? Wearing a mask becomes a big restriction but fashion business owners sensed the opportunity. Unfortunately, we can be sure of how long the trend will last.

Social Recommendation

We all see the e-commerce buzz, recommendations go well with these topics. Consumers are craving authentic reviews. More and more people can sense fake review or marketing ploys from the brand’s websites. Many social recommendation platforms appeared to the market to fulfil the need of connecting customers. Question is: how your brand can leverage the influence of friends, family and clients to reach new customers?

Feel like there is more you would like to know about trends and their use in your business? Contact our office. Our team will help you leverage the trends and create profitable concepts you need to thrive in 2021 and beyond.


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