How to spot a BAD business expert

By a show of hands… ⁣

Who’s experienced flat-out sleazy “advice” in an expensive online course or business coaching/consulting program?⁣

⁣Believe me, it sucks.

Wasting ‎€997 or even more, on an “expert” that sounds like they just bought somebody else’s stuff and paraphrase word-for-word… ⁣

The worst is high-touch business coaching and consulting programs that charge €10,000+ for a specific “strategy” they claim can make you rich.⁣

“Do THIS and go from €5,000/mo… to €10,000… to €50,000+ and beyond!”⁣

The problem with this? ⁣

It almost never works. Because a strategy should never be “copy and pasted” from one person to another. It’s like playing lotto and hoping you’re the lucky winner – which again, usually doesn’t happen…

All you’re left with is a big hole in your bank account, a few more worries on your mind, and still walking around chasing your next sale, golden strategy and another ‘expert’.

If you think about paying an ‘expert’ for help and hear any of these:⁣

❌ you need a funnel

❌ you need a coach

❌ you need FB ads
❌ you need webinar
❌ start a podcast ⁣
❌ get on LinkedIn
❌ just buy fake followers

… then RUN.

If they don’t first get to know you… how do they know what’s best for you?

Business is complex.

Everyone requires something different. ⁣

Instead, you should hear things like:⁣

✅“What business are you trying to build and why?”⁣
✅“What have you tried in the past that didn’t work?”⁣
✅“What are you doing now to build your business?”⁣
✅“What are you good at?“

✅“What do you struggle with?”⁣
✅“Based on everything you said, here’s what’s best for you…”⁣

Handing out personalized strategies to each of our private clients is something I (and my team) take pride in. Sure, it’s not infinitely scalable. But we’re playing the long term. And it’s how we show our clients to build their business too. ⁣

I fully realize that most achieved fashion entrepreneurs can live and succeed without my product, service. There are thousands of people who sell identical or similar products. Thus, I always attempt to appeal to a higher need. I do things differently and I say things differently. And as I observed that’s the biggest value.

⁣Want a strategy unique to you?

Drop me a line


P.S. Not all fashion entrepreneurs are created equal. When you are ready to become a future-proofed fashion brand here is how you can get help:

1. Order Strategic Session with Your Team – 2 days (It involves gathering representatives of selected company departments in one place, over one goal/topic. The goal of their creative work is to generate various business concepts/ideas / options, analyze them and propose actions)

10.000 PLN net (2 183,80 euro) + travel expenses and accommodation costs (Bydgoszcz, Poland – your location)

2. Hire Department – 12 months virtual cooperation (informed opinions, global perspective, forward thinking, true partnership, winning approach 100%).

To be discussed after the strategic session with your team.

3. Have 45 min Consultation – phone or online session with one-month email support (pick my brain, ask me all your questions, learn steps, walk away with tools)

790 PLN net (173 euro)

4. Attend Fashion Business Expo in Dubai – 5 days, Autumn 2020, up to 12 spaces

(Main attraction Dubai Expo 2020; Airfare, accommodation, and meals are NOT included, must have at least communicative level of English)

10 000 PLN net (2 183,80 euro)

Write to me

We all have 24 hours in a day. Think about it. Contact me. Talk to me. Get results. Fast.

WARNING: I never negotiate rates, I don’t break down payments into instalments. You either want it or you don’t (begging and convincing not included).

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