Marketing job: reality vs expectations

Through the years in the business, I discovered many world changes. The market is changing constantly. And there’s one thing in particular that makes me feel so furious.

Marketing – definition of marketing to be precise.

Marketing has taken on this ugly connotation that’s almost in line with “old-school” definition that can be simply reduced to the word “promotion”.

People think that what all marketing specialist does is catalogues, roll-ups, flyers.

They expect simple job description and when I say that the reality of the job is more complicated they call me crazy or they say that I exalt myself.

Today’s marketing is no longer about asking people to buy your shit or print another thousand flyers. Period.

So what marketing specialist actually do?

The concept of marketing includes the whole of generalized knowledge regarding the principles of making decisions and taking actions in the sphere of the company’s contacts with the market.

Marketing is everything from effective promotional materials, happy employees and business partners, through risk management, assessment of market opportunities to market foresight and business development.

There’s no one simple definition of the term “marketing”, different sources indicate different approaches. I think it’s a result from both the time in which these definitions, changes taking place in the environment, areas included in definitions, the development of knowledge related to marketing arose and marketing specialists experiences.

One thing I’m sure about: all decisions in the company should be made in terms of market effectiveness. For me, marketing is a way of thinking about the market and enterprise, its role and tasks ensuring survival and constant development.

Marketing involves product preparation, pricing of individual products, development of promotion methods, selection of distribution strategies tailored to the type and scope of products offered. As well as training, informing and motivating employees to better serve customers. And also assessing the qualifications and skills of employees in customer service. It may refer to employees already employed, or potential ones.

There’s no simple definition of marketing. Neither other marketing-related terms. The words that seem to be simple to understand, in reality, are less plain. The product includes, among others: features, quality, packaging, brand, service, warranty, and complaints. The price includes price lists, discounts, discounts and rebates, credit terms, periods and payment methods. The place, identified with distribution, includes sales forms, location, distribution channels, warehouse and transport management, territorial range of sales. And promotion includes online and offline advertising, personal sales, sales promotion, public relations, sponsorship.

The most complex Marketing Specialist job description may include:

  • Building a marketing and sales strategy of the company and active participation in its implementation in order to increase sales on the domestic and foreign market.
  • Control of implementation of the implemented strategy and assessment of effectiveness in relation to sales results.
  • Managing a team responsible for sales, marketing, and cooperation with external supporting companies.
  • Responsibility for the organization of events and activities aimed at communicating with the environment in order to promote events.
  • Coordination of work related to identifying and identifying favourable sales channels.
  • Management and supervision over the distribution of advertising and promotional materials.
  • Coordination and ensuring the use of alternative promotion and sales channels using modern technologies.
  • Responsibility for all activities related to creating the brand image.
  • Planning and conducting marketing activities of the company.
  • Management of marketing data, preparation of marketing plans for achieving profit targets,
  • Creation, implementation, and monitoring of marketing projects, promotional and PR activities.
  • Preparation of marketing budget and control of its implementation, as well as management of promotional and advertising activities of the company.
  • Analyzing promotional activities.
  • Managing a subordinate team.
  • Initiating and making decisions that support the growth of market share and building a strong brand and good corporate image.
  • Building a strong, harmonious and motivated team, training employees, promoting positive communication.
  • Creating and implementing a commercial offer, products, and services in terms of market demand.
  • Market research, search and evaluation of market opportunities for product sales and monitoring of competition activities.
  • Standardization of work and processes in the subordinate department and in cooperation with other departments.
  • Active participation in the work of the Management Board of the Company through participation in delineating the Company’s activities in the spirit of close cooperation with other members of the Board.
  • Selection of all methods of operation in relation to the Company’s scale and costs.
  • Selection of marketing activities supporting the growth of market share, eg trade fairs, catalogues, presentations, other publications, training, newsletters, website initiation, social media, etc.
  • Supervision over the compliance of commercial activities with national and international regulations.
  • Anticipating risks and counteracting processes that act to the detriment of the Company.

Shift your definition of marketing. Don’t underestimate the marketing and marketing professionals. Don’t underestimate me, my knowledge or skills. I’m 2 steps ahead, always.


P.S. Not all fashion entrepreneurs are created equal. When you are ready to become a future-proofed fashion brand here is how you can get help:

1. Order Strategic Session with Your Team – 2 days (It involves gathering representatives of selected company departments in one place, over one goal/topic. The goal of their creative work is to generate various business concepts/ideas / options, analyze them and propose actions)

10.000 PLN net (2 183,80 euro) + travel expenses and accommodation costs (Bydgoszcz, Poland – your location)

2. Hire Department – 12 months virtual cooperation (informed opinions, global perspective, forward thinking, true partnership, winning approach 100%).

To be discussed after the strategic session with your team.

3. Have 45 min Consultation – phone or online session with one-month email support (pick my brain, ask me all your questions, learn steps, walk away with tools)

790 PLN net (173 euro)

4. Attend Fashion Business Expo in Dubai – 5 days, Autumn 2020, up to 12 spaces

(Main attraction Dubai Expo 2020; Airfare, accommodation, and meals are NOT included, must have at least communicative level of English)

10 000 PLN net (2 183,80 euro)

Write to me

We all have 24 hours in a day. Think about it. Contact me. Talk to me. Get results. Fast.

WARNING: I never negotiate rates, I don’t break down payments into instalments. You either want it or you don’t (begging and convincing not included).

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