I’m fucking offended

I don’t expect everyone to do deep research on me, or on the content I create.

It’s easy to get wrong conclusions based on a few-second video or one sentence out of context.

Sometimes I write in high emotions and I get myself far out of the control.

But I admire how much time and emotions someone is able to devote to my persona without securing their own reputation and intellect by (at least) checking basic information before saying anything.

That being said I invite you to purchase my provocative program to get to know me and my approach better and maybe (maybe!) learn something about yourself and your environment.

Sometimes I’m just done…

Messages like from high school. Adding nothing to the subject. But somehow, someone felt it matters.

I want to respect all viewpoints but some people… I just can’t!

I have psychologists offering me therapy, making diagnoses through messages…

I have strangers going hard on my family members.

Some comments, messages mess me up even if I claim it won’t affect me.

I have a tough time.

Bad things have been adding up.

My life become a mess in the last few weeks.

And reading pointless messages made me say “enough”.

I want to help people but when haters go on my friends, family…

I know I said many times I don’t care about haters.

And I have voices here who say „don’t worry”.

But I found that subconsciously those things stick with me.

I started overthinking the things I write, the things I say, the way I look…
to the point that I don’t post often.

I disappear.

I act more offline.

Although the whole point is to make my business work well online and reach as many people as possible motivating them, inspiring and teaching.

So in short – I self-sabotage my own actions,


but true.

Today I came to the realisation that this is a “normal” situation for many people out here – all over the internet. No matter what following they have, why they act publicly and so on.


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