No more strategy porn

Each business book,

every business expert…

talks about STRATEGY.

Business strategy, social media strategy, selling strategy, marketing strategy…

For me, the only strategy is to show leadership via different mediums.

Many businesses have a strategy but they don’t use it – so what’s the point of having one??

Some businesses have a strategy but they don’t understand it. Someone prepared it for them and they try to go with it because everybody says that strategy is a key.

People confuse strategy with tactics.

They go on and on with daily tasks believing that they realise the strategy.

Nop. They don’t.

Tactics can help you in a short-term activity.

Those activities CAN BE some kind of strategy.

But what I see more often…

it’s just busyness!

Eventually, short term action that often means nothing and is a desperation sign rather than strategy.

Busyness believers forgetting about the most important things.

They don’t define success.

They don’t create specific vision.

They often don’t plan results in advance.

Their company goals are very general.

They don’t define KPIs.

They often don’t analyse the competition, market, trends.

More often they go with the flow, day to day tasks,

believing that the business somehow will happen.

They build their business on assuming things,

shooting in different directions,

without plan,

trying to reach everything and everyone,

randomly taking activities.

When they stop for a second,

they are surprised that they are not where they suppose to be.

They dream about innovation…

but all they do is short-term, low-cost action that doesn’t align with their aspirations, vision whatsoever.

Do you want to tell me I’m wrong? You want to claim that you are doing good business with running day to day tasks and that’s for you is a great strategy?

Well, you must consider that things don’t last forever.

The world is changing so fast. Something that’s working today, may not work tomorrow.

Just saying…

What do you think about it? What’s your definition of strategy?

P.S. Do you want truly innovate your fashion business? Me and my team are ready to take you to the next level so are you? Drop us a message

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