Do I still have it in me?
Do I still have it in me?
That’s the question we are often asking ourselves.
By even not recognizing it.
Every new project is a blank page that we want to fill up trying to prove we are the best.
There’s the unspoken expectation we set up for ourselves.
We play 24/7, we are always on.
We are asked to produce an ever-increasing amount of work in the ever-shrinking amount of time. You know what I mean, right?
No matter how successful we are, how much money we make…
We always want to show that we have it in us.
The pressure to perform is huge. On-demand all the time.
Sometimes I sit down and call myself on going crazy with some psychological insights. I read an article about depression and I instantly feel I have it. Sometimes I try really hard to convince myself I do. And then, suddenly, I stop for a second and see that it was just a brain game. I almost believed… I’m always worried about what if I won’t wake up on time and go for some crazy theory. There is so many information, all day, every day, about every aspect of our life. Some sources look trustworthy and are so convincing. Information can really manipulate us. We think that we are in control. That we all know it. But we really don’t.