Fashion entrepreneurs messages and my conclusions

Dear fashion entrepreneurs,

I get many messages from you. I saw that although your businesses are different, there is a similarity in your problems. I hope this article will help you. If you have further questions, drop me a line

Patrycja Franczak


Learning and doing are two different things (I get a message from one of my followers on IG. This person told me that he’s learning about how to market his brand. He’s doing it for a few months now. The problem is that he need some money.)

Don’t think that learning means working. Learning is busyness – another point on the to-do list, hiding what really you should do. You are killing your valuable time by focusing on wrong tasks. Learning is not a task.

Implement what you already know. Don’t look for new strategies and tips, use the ones you have already.

You need money, so make money. Focus on sales, not marketing.

Don’t ask for permission or approval

I get messages “do you think that my idea is good” or “do you think is a good time for starting a new business”

My opinion doesn’t matter. Some things will work, some not. I’m really happy that you contact me and seeing me as authority to even ask these questions. But there are plenty of reasons why your idea will or will not work. The most important thing is to change an idea into tangible results. Action, execution is all you need.


I get messages “I’m scared, what if my idea will not work. I wish I could stop worrying about everything. If I would stop fear everything would work well”

Every day I’m doing something outside my comfort zone (at least I really try to have something like that every day). Every new project makes me a little bit nervous, I feel discomfort, uncertainty. But this gives me a lot of motivation. I feel energised to do new things, to try. Fear is not a bad thing.

Flow/motivation searching

There are people who after a few weeks wakes up with thinking about what can I do for my business in the pandemic time. What’s happening with the last few weeks? What have you been doing? You can’t work from one flow to another. You can’t work when you feel like it. Excuses like I didn’t have the knowledge, I was confused, sad etc.

“I was thinking you are different”

I get messages saying that I’m creepy, shady, that I’m mean, disrespectful, arrogant etc.

People are really afraid of facing the truth. I know that hearing harsh words may be uncomfortable for you. But is life comfortable at all?

Everyone wants to see overnight success

People want to see the result now. They did one thing and expect it will work wonders for them.

Even if you copy what someone else did it may not work for you.
You can’t expect measurable results without putting work into it. One post on Instagram don’t guarantee sales. So how many posts – hundred, thousand, million? No one really knows the number. Every business is different and so many things influence the results. But this is the entrepreneurial reality. You try, try again, and again. If you have a problem with dealing with it, maybe entrepreneurship is not for you?


“I do and I don’t see results. I do again and still nothing.” If you continue doing you raise the possibility of success. If you stop you lose your opportunity. If you continue for a long time and can’t see any results, you should change strategy. There must be something you did wrong.

What I would advise: always improve and try new things. You never know what will work.

If you don’t know what to do. Do anything. Anything will be better than nothing.

P.S. At we know that not all fashion entrepreneurs are created equal. When you are ready to profit from trends and become a future-proofed fashion brand message me

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