Marketing – money grinding or money making machine

Marketing does not work for companies that have unrealistic expectations about the powers of marketing.

Be clear on this.

Read it once again.

Marketing cannot create an instant influx of new customers, or cause an immediate and huge increase in your profits.

It can’t substitute quality or service level.

It will not solve all your cash flow problems.

It won’t create a desire for unwanted products or services, or sell the right product to the wrong people, in the wrong place and time.

You can be as entertaining as you want, encasing and surrounding your offering with as much glitz and glamour as you want—just as long as the glitz and the glamour don’t get in the way of your response rates.

You are a salesperson, not a showperson.

You want sales and PROFITS, not applause.

My tip: create marketing that causes people to say “I want that product!” rather than “I like these ads!”

EVERYTHING in your marketing should be designed to increase your profits, not merely your sales, but your PROFITS.

Remember: people do not read print ads, do not read brochures, do not read direct mail letters, do not listen to telemarketing pitches, do not watch TV commercials, and do not pay attention to fancy company video.

INSTEAD, they read only what interests them, listen to only what interests them, view only what interests them.

If you want to entertain people, go into show-business.

If you want to earn money, act on that.

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