Will your strategy create value in 2021?

I know…2020 has been a tough year for most businesses. But still, somewhere able to adjust pretty well and are confident that their updated strategy will continue to deliver value in 2021 and beyond.

I have been talking about future-prooving your strategy years ago. Who listened? Who actually followed my advice?

Ok, I’m not here to recall what you didn’t do but to point out that now you don’t need “thousands of reasons why”. Pandemic showed the need, now lets work on it.

I invite you to take the opportunity during the first weeks of the new year to reflect upon your strategy, what worked well, and what needs to be changed, improved… or stopped perhaps?

Here are a couple of questions to spark and guide your thinking.

​Thinking about your business in 2020…
How well did we manage to adjust your strategy and the organization to the new circumstances?
Looking at the results: is our strategy really working? or you just want to believe it does?
How well did your strategy work?
What did work well?
What needs to be reviewed?

​Thinking about 2021 and beyond…
How confident are you about 2021? Are you fit for 2021?
Are your business model, offering, ways of working and operating still fit for the current times?
Do we have a clear idea about your ideal customers and their needs? You assumed it or know it for a fact?
Do you have a clear offering and value proposition? Do you know what your customers think about your products?

​How about your team?
Can you (and your team) name the top 3 strategic priorities for 2021?
How well can your team think strategically?
Are you all aligned?
Did you set up a culture of openness and innovation flow to create value in 2021?

​What about you personally?
How satisfied you are with the results you achieved in 2020?
How proud are you of what you have achieved?
Do your purpose, ambitions, and strategy still motivate you? Do you still feel like your goals are relevant? To you, your customers, and your ecosystem?

If you’d like to dig a little deeper, here is some further reading:

Are you a founder, owner, CEO, or Managing Director of a fashion brand? Are you asking yourself what your strategy 2021 should be? Are you wondering on how to align your team and organization on delivering your strategy? Want to know how to innovate and position your brand strongly on a saturated market? Want to be prepared for next COVID (any new unexpected event)?

Simply contact me and book a 1:1 strategy call with me. During that call, we’ll discuss how I (and my infuture.fashion team) can help you to:

  • Craft a clear and compelling strategy to create value in 2021
  • Define your key strategic priorities
  • Align your team and organization on executing this strategy
  • Build a management system that allows you to drive the execution of your strategy
  • Make sure your strategy works and is updated as needed
  • Identify trends relevant to your business to make your brand thrive in 2021 and beyond.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you…until then…take care. Stay healthy and safe.

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